
Area of Operations in Odisha

Sundergarh Jharsuguda Sambalpur Boudh Kandhamal Nayagarh Koraput Malkangiri Deogarh Gajapati Balangir Kalahandi Mayurbhanj Nuapada Rayagada Nabrangpur

Once a vast kingdom spanning a great swathe  of the country this region was renowned for its rich culture and architecture,  its centers of learning, its military strength and maritime trade links with  countries further East as much as for its luxuriant flora and fauna. There is much to learn about Odisha and its magnificent ancient civilization but unfortunately its status today reads like a study in contrasts. Home to a large population of  tribal and marginalized people, it was an obvious choice for our work as you  can see from the statistics below:


Area 1,55,820 sq km
Districts 30
Blocks 314
Tahasils 317
Villages 51,349
Gram Panchyats 6,234
Rural/Urban Ratio 74.59/25.41
Population 41,947,358
Sex Ratio 972
Children (age 0 to 6 years) 2,531,570
Average Family Size 5
No of Aganwadi’s Centre / Mini AWC’s 60918/10216
No of Primary Health Centres / Sub centres
Infant Mortality Rate 97
Maternal Moterality rate 297
Literacy 73
HDI 0.579
GDP 0.546
Precipitate Income Rs 5,264
Forest Cover 48,855sq.km
Industrial Units Steel, Aluminium & Power Plants. Mining.
Irrigated Area
Affected by Left Wing Extremism YES, High.
MGNREGA DATA (2020-21)
No. of Families who got work 650639
Average  No. of Days 61.07